Monthly Archives: December 2011

And a Very Happy Holiday to You!


I hope everyone is all set for whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of the year! Being raised Catholic, I find it easier to say Merry Christmas, but since I am more of the pagan persuasion now, its Blessed Yule!

I love holidays, and if they include overindulgence in food and chocolate, then I’m all for them! Presents are a nice bonus as well. I love the general feeling of merriment and joy. (that’s why I like to shop online…its madness out on the high street!)

So, to you and yours, a very blessed holiday season!

The Grinch conquered!


I have to admit, as much as I love Christmas and the decorations, some apathy set in as far as my own home was concerned! Yesterday morning my husband and I had a conversation about putting up the tree and decided we didn’t need to because we were going other places for Christmas and Boxing Day and no one was coming over here during the holidays. Then about 60 seconds later, I got up and got the stuff out of the garage! I just had the thought, it would be a whole year before I could have a Christmas tree again! So, my laziness and apathy were conquered!

It was an aerobic workout, dragging the stuff indoors, opening the containers, unwrapping ornaments, etc.  But it was worth it, nothing like a bit of Christmas lights to make one feel good! I had put out my Christmas dolls, but that was it till yesterday. I put the Merry Christmas and snowflake stickies on the front door, hung my dilapidated wreath on the door, put the cards along the door jam and placed little doo-dads all over the room. So now we are Christmassy!

Oh, Tannenbaum!

I still have to take pics of the tree, its in front of the window so will have to take them at night. I think this is the latest I’ve even put it up! I was always anxious to put the tree up right after Thanksgiving and had to contain my enthusiasm for a week or two! How I’ve changed!

Its always sad to take it all down, usually I wait for Twelfth night. Sometimes my Christmas dolls stay out till Easter! They look so pretty in their festive outfits! Yes, Red is my favorite color and green is a close second! So, Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s day work with that! LOL!

Guess next I have to think about baking…..